Why Guy Fieri Can't Stand Eggs

April 2024 ยท 2 minute read

In his early life, Guy Fieri actually enjoyed eggs away from home. "I used to eat fried egg sandwiches like they were going out of style," he told Extra Crispy. However, his parents didn't keep white bread in the house, so he had to eat his favorite sandwich elsewhere. "So a fried egg sandwich with processed cheese on white bread when I would go to my friend's house was the greatest thing in the world." When he was ten, though, he opened an egg and found a fully formed baby chick. For some people, that might be the end of eating eggs, but surprisingly, that wasn't what turned the celebrity chef off the breakfast staple. 

The real reason Fieri hates eggs, "I had a bad hard-boiled egg. It was the chalky yolk," he revealed to Extra Crispy. Of course, appropriately cooked, hard-boiled eggs can be a staple for many people at breakfast or other meals, including snacks throughout the day. Although he's not a big breakfast person, when he does choose to enjoy the first meal of the day, he turns to grits, ham, and red-eye gravy.

Fieri revealed he got his general food philosophy from his dad. The chef told Robert Irvine his dad advised him, "Don't be scared. Don't make everything crazy, don't cook everything off the radar, but be willing to take chances. Be willing to try new stuff." Just not with eggs.
