What happened at Banks County Elementary School? Principal and gym teacher fired for misconduct on s

June 2024 · 5 minute read

The principal and gym teacher of Banks County Elementary School were recently fired after both allegedly indulged in s*xual activity on the school grounds. The same was found during an investigation led by Banks County Superintendent Dr. Ann Hopkins, who confirmed that school principal Dr. Dana Simmons and physical education teacher Dylan Charles did have an affair that went on for a long time.

The affair came to notice after Simmons’ principal accused Charles of bugging her office to get secret information. The investigation report presented by the authorities stated:

"Dr. Simmons expressed to Dr. Hopkins that she was concerned Dylan Charles had bugged her office or had a source at the Board of Education BOE office providing him information regarding BOE activities.”

After the matter was settled, Charles informed the school authorities about the inappropriate relationship between him and the principal, Simmons. Further, the allegations were proven after investigators conducted multiple interviews with witnesses.

One of the people interviewed in the investigation was also the assistant principal of Banks County Elementary School, who is also the gym teacher, Charles’ wife. While both the principal and the gym teacher have now been fired, many staff members also reported that they propositioned staff to join a swingers club.

Did the Banks County Elementary School’s gym teacher’s wife already know about the relationship between her husband and the principal? More details explored

Upon conducting investigations, it was brought to the authority’s notice that the Banks County Elementary School’s gym teacher’s wife already knew about the inappropriate relationship between the principal and her husband, Dylan Charles.

Furthermore, as per the third-grade teacher and the assistant principal, Simmons, the former principal manipulated her into allowing Simmons to have s*xual relations with her husband in exchange for better career opportunities.

The Banks County Elementary School gym teacher's wife asserted that she occasionally observed and recorded the interaction between Simmons and Charles. At the same time, Charles even showed proof of the two having s*xual relationships, as there were many pictures of the principal where she could be seen kissing the gym teacher.

Principal and gym teacher in deep waters after investigations proved that the two had inappropriate relationship. (Image via Twitter)

Further, Charles also shared a video of a man and a woman having intercourse in the car, which he alleged to be of him and the principal. In other images, a woman without clothes was seen standing in a space inside the school that is close to Simmons' office.

At the same time, he also handed over the textual conversations he had with his wife and the Banks County Elementary School’s principal. Reacting to the same, the report furnished by the investigating team stated:

“Again, there is no context added to the pictures or the text messages, but the totality of the evidence tends to support Mr. Charles’s claim of an inappropriate relationship between Dr. Simmons and Mr. Charles.”

Furthermore, the school principal later owned up to having a relationship with the gym teacher but denied the claim of having any s*xual encounter with Charles on the school campus.

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