Kyrie Irving could sign shoe deal with New Balance after fallout with Nike over allegations of antis

May 2024 · 6 minute read

Brooklyn Nets All-Star guard Kyrie Irving became a sneaker free agent this week after parting ways with Nike over his alleged antisemitism.

Nike let Irving go despite him having one of the top signature shoes in the NBA. However, it doesn’t appear that Irving will be a sneaker free agent for long as another major shoe company already has its sights set on him.

According to NBA insider Brandon “Scoop B” Robinson, New Balance could be the favorite to sign Irving to a new shoe deal.

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Other prominent NBA players who have signed with New Balance include LA Clippers superstar Kawhi Leonard and Atlanta Hawks All-Star Dejounte Murray. So if New balance can agree to a deal with Irving, that would only continue to expand its presence in the ever-growing NBA shoe market.

Why exactly did Nike part ways with Kyrie Irving?

Brooklyn Nets All-Star guard Kyrie Irving's blacked out Nike shoes

Nike parted ways with Kyrie Irving following alleged antisemitism from the Brooklyn Nets superstar.

Irving infamously shared a link to an antisemitic film on Twitter in October. He then received a suspension from the Nets, which ended up lasting eight games as well as a suspension of his Nike shoe deal.

Irving was able to complete a checklist of requirements he needed to fulfill to be reinstated by Brooklyn. However, his deal with Nike was never reinstated according to The Athletic’s Shams Charania, who reported earlier this week:

“Kyrie Irving is no longer a Nike athlete, Nike spokesperson says. The sides have parted ways one month after Nike suspended its relationship with the Nets star. Irving has one of most popular signature shoes in the NBA and is now a sneaker free agent.”

Nike co-founder Phil Knight pretty much confirmed the end of Irving and Nike’s relationship last month via a statement on Irving. So the official announcement didn’t come as a huge surprise to most NBA fans.

“Kyrie stepped over the line,” Knight said. “It’s kind of that simple. He made some statements that we just can’t abide by and that’s why we ended the relationship. And I was fine with that.”

Since the announcement of the end of his deal with Nike, Kyrie Irving has also issued a statement via social media to his supporters.

“Anyone who has even spent their hard earned money on anything I have ever released, I consider you FAMILY and we are forever connected. It’s time to show how powerful we are as a community,” Irving tweeted.

In his last game, Irving made the decision to wear blacked-out versions of his Nikes. On the sides of the shoe, he wrote, "I AM FREE. Thank You God... I AM" and "Logo Here" in place of Nike’s iconic swoosh logo.

Irving has been endorsed by Nike since he was drafted No. 1 in 2011. His eighth signature shoe was set to be released before he and Nike parted ways.

This is likely to be a big change for the Nets superstar. However, based on his recent comments and actions, it looks like Irving is fully ready to embrace the change.

Also read: Kyrie Irving wore “I AM FREE, thank you god” on his shoes after fallout with Nike and NBA fans had hot takes

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