Can you change or switch traits mid-game?

April 2024 · 5 minute read

Traits are something that you will be selecting in Starfield during the character creation screen. They offer certain buffs and bonuses which will help your character through the early game. However, the traits can start feeling useless once you make your way to the later stages of the RPG, or if you have decided to stick to a playstyle that does not require them all that much.

Hence, it’s not all that surprising why, at moments like this, you will be looking for ways to see if you can switch to a different trait.

However, it is not entirely clear what players can do in order to switch their traits midgame, leading many to question if it is a feature that is present in the game at all.

Is it possible to switch or change traits in Starfield?

Right now, there is no way that players can switch or change their traits in Starfield. Hence, the traits that you pick during character creation are something that you will be permanently stuck with in the title.

It’s very important to make a more informed decision when it comes to picking a trait in the game so that you don't regret it later on in the narrative.

Can you remove traits in Starfield?

While you will not be able to switch out and switch in a trait in Starfield, you can, however, completely remove a trait from your character. Although it’s not something that is advised, if you feel that your character traits are getting in the way of your role-playing, do with them as you please, because a “Hero Worshipped” Space Pirate does sound odd.

How to remove all traits from your character in Starfield

To remove traits from your character, you will need to speak to particular NPCs in the game and opt into the appropriate dialogue option. Here is how you remove every trait in Starfield:

Alien DNA

Neon Street Rat

Freestar Collective Settler

United Colonies Native


Hero Worshipped

Raised Enlightened

Raised Universal

Serpent’s Embrace



Terra Firma

Dream Home




Kid Stuff

While traits are easy to remove in the game, you are recommended to only get rid of them once you have made the most of them.

Discover more about all Starfield Traits and find the best Starfield Traits to suit your gameplay.

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