Can Ashton Kutcher Code?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Known to be one of the biggest technology investors in Hollywood, Ashton Kutcher tries to keep up with the cutting edge in tech. Does this include Kutcher possessing the ability to code?

Ashton Kutcher has shared that he is learning to code, though it is unclear how proficient he is at this point in time. He has frequently talked about the importance of teaching young people skills such as coding to provide them with the best possible chance for finding employment in the technological age.

For more on Ashton Kutcher’s relationship with technology and his advocacy for coding education, read on.

Kutcher and Technology

Ashton Kutcher has long positioned himself at the cutting edge of technology. His relationship with tech goes far beyond simply portraying Steve Jobs in the 2013 film “Jobs”.

He joined the University of Iowa in 1996, intending to major in biomechanical engineering. Biomechanical engineering studies biological systems and seeks to understand their functions mechanically.

In practical terms, this can help with the manufacturing of artificial organs, and Kutcher’s primary motivation was his desire to find a solution to his twin brother Michael’s heart disease. Although he left college before graduating to pursue his career in Hollywood, the possibilities of technology have clearly always been something that intrigues Kutcher.

He has also invested a lot of his own money into technology, putting money into brands such as Spotify and Shazam.

Together with his then-partner Demi Moore, Kutcher co-founded Thorn, an organization that develops technology to help fight against the sexual abuse of children online. The group looks to enact positive change against people exploiting technology for amoral purposes.

Kutcher has previously revealed that he has studied coding, speaking about how every piece of code presents its own challenges and that he enjoys the problem-solving aspects.

While we can’t know how extensive his coding abilities are today, the fact that he has spent a seemingly significant amount of time learning the skill suggests that it is something he is passionate about.

Kids and Coding

In addition to learning to code himself, Kutcher has advocated for technological education. He believes computer science should be taught as a core part of the curriculum alongside biology, chemistry, and algebra.

As the world continues to advance technologically, familiarity with computer systems becomes ever more important in a growing number of jobs. Kutcher has said he believes that teaching children to code from an early age gives them the best possible chance of one day finding potentially lucrative employment in technology.

In 2014, Kutcher, along with other influential figures including President Obama, gave his voice to the Hour of Code campaign. The campaign’s goal was to encourage students to sample an hour of coding during their school’s computer classes.

The co-founder, Hadi Partovi, has spoken about how traditional computer classes need upgrading, teaching children not just how to use technology but also how to create it.

Westborough Middle School, a participant in the Hour of Code, was treated to a video chat with Kutcher himself. During the call, Kutcher shared that he wished he had learned how to code when he was younger, although he is trying to do so now.

He has long believed that technology is one of the world’s growing economies, hence his lucrative tech investments.

Ashton Kutcher has been called a bigger investor in technology than other any Hollywood star and it’s clear to see that he is not just financially invested in its continued growth. He is also personally invested in seeing as many of today’s youth presented with an opportunity to grow alongside technology.

While it isn’t clear how extensive Kutcher’s personal coding knowledge actually is, he seems fully aware of the role it plays in modern life and its potential to improve lives.
