All Might left bleeding on the ground as AFO gets closer to Deku and Shigaraki

June 2024 · 5 minute read

My Hero Academia chapter 401 was supposed to show Stain and All Might battling All For One (AFO) together. The spoilers released today did not disappoint in that regard, but the joint battle was far from the most interesting event in the chapter.

In the previous chapter, All Might used attacks to weaken AFO, but the villain’s age regression turned him into a glowing child. Elsewhere, Hagakure became completely visible and realized that her heightened emotions often caused her Quirk to malfunction.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from My Hero Academia chapter 401.

My Hero Academia chapter 401 spoilers show All Might and AFO’s fight seemingly coming to a close as Stain is taken out

According to My Hero Academia chapter 401 spoilers, the chapter is named “The Lunatic.”

The chapter begins with a flashback of Stain using his Glider to fly to AFO and All Might’s battle. He understood what was going on from All Might’s conversation with Iida and Shoto, whom he calls the “Scar kid.” He saw an increase in blood and debris as he got closer, and after inspecting the blood closely, he realized that it wasn’t All Might’s blood.

My Hero Academia chapter 401 then cuts back to the present when Stain wonders if All Might understands the significance of his own existence. Stain had delivered his speech in Kamino solely because he wanted All Might to realize the worth of his life. All Might replies that he understands, and the two go for a combined attack.

Stain reenacts All Might’s famous I Am Here (Watashi ga kita) with a slight alteration (Ore ga kita), but it doesn’t have any effect. AFO uses “Forced Activation” and “Phlebotomy,” a combination of Quirks that cause AFO’s blood to leave his body, rendering Stain’s Quirk nearly ineffective.

Stain in the previous chapter (Image via Shueisha/Kohei Horikoshi)

AFO states that since Stain was the only one to leave Tartarus on his own, the demon lord had known that he was planning something against the villains and had taken several countermeasures. When Stain realises that he needs more blood, AFO simply changes the composition of his blood altogether by using Antigen Modification.

It appears that he is an old hand at this since this is how he has managed to stay in the shadows for so long. A mouth then appears at his back and bites Stain, causing him to bleed profusely. AFO mocks him by saying that replacing the blood in his body has made him cool down. My Hero Academia chapter 401 spoilers are unclear on whom this is directed towards, but AFO is most likely talking about himself.

AFO further mocks him by saying that while Stain was important to Tomura and the league, he has served his purpose and is now useless. Stain believes that they are all parts of a bigger picture. All Might had taught him the meaning of being a hero, and now he prays to his hero to “win this fight” as AFO crashes into him and blood is seen gushing out. AFO presumably steals his quirk.

AFO then turns around and attacks All Might, who had been flying towards him. However, the remaining parts of Hercules come in to protect him and encourage him to live. After the car is completely destroyed, All Might gets visions of Nana Shimura and Sir Nighteye. All Might realises that his body is trying to keep him alive even though he can no longer use his legs.

All Might is still alive and roars at AFO to come over to him, but a police report soon states that AFO has gotten close enough to Shigaraki and U.A. to use his alternative Warp teleportation Quirk. The last page of My Hero Academia chapter 401 shows AFO looking at the falling U.A. island.

Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as the series progresses. Find My Hero Academia chapter 401 release details here.

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